Even online sellers purchase fake online reviews that may confuse you and make you buy something high for the cost. Is it possible to have these earrings customized to a different design or slight variations to the already available designs? Whether you wish to customize to a slightly new design or make slight changes to our already available designs, we can do it for you. If you are wearing a red saree or lehenga at your wedding, pairing it with a set of bangles of a similar shade is the safest bet you can place. You can select your design, contact us, and then we will check if it is possible to customize it. Whether you are wearing something traditional, western, or even Indo-western, our earrings can amp up every kind of outfit.
They are exclusively handcrafted by the master artisans of the Kashmir valley. Modern wholesale Silver jewelry handcrafted Indian silver Jewelry. All of our jewelry and other products, including earrings, are completely handcrafted in Kashmir itself. So, you know that there is a lot of hard work, dedication, patience love that goes behind making every piece of these Kashmiri earrings. Whether you are buying pure silver earrings online in India or the traditional Kashmiri earrings, all the earrings sold by Kashmirica are quite versatile. They are made devoid of the use of any fancy machines- so everything that is done is done using the magic of hands. However, with growing technology and the rapid use of the internet, they failed to keep up with its pace, and their art got lost somewhere in between.
And these artisans use age-old tools and techniques for crafting every piece of earrings. These artisans are immensely skilled as they have been practicing the art for years and years and generations and generations. Often they are rebus puzzles of words and motifs. They give any chain a three-dimensional effect and a standout looks without overpowering the wearer. Two or more intertwined oval links comprise this spiral chain type. Whether it is a festival, a special occasion or a casual one, you can wear antique haram them everywhere. The earrings are also suitable for every kind of occasion. Who makes Kashmirica’s earrings, and where are they manufactured? Many, many skilled artisans in India are excellent at the work that they do.